A: What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎么样? B: It will be sunny. 明天是个晴天。 A: Do you like the weather here? 你喜欢这儿的天气吗? B: Yes, it is warm all year round. 喜欢,一年四季都很温暖。 A: What a nice day!
13. What movie are you dying to see? 哪一部电影你非看不可? 这个问题可以让所有人都加入到对新影片的讨论中。 14. What are you watching on TV? 你都看些什么电视节目? 这又是一个...
4.“What are you drinking? Do you like it?” “你在喝什么呢?你喜欢这个口味吗?” 通常,只要你们俩不是乖乖女、乖乖男,调酒永远是个可以接受的搭讪话题。 5.“Are we in the same class by any chance?Professor XX right?” “我好像在课上见过你?是XX教授的吗?”...
of what its about i have to find my peace cuz no one seems to let me be false prophets cry of doom what are the possibilities? i told my brother there'll be problems time and tears for fears but we must live each day like it's the last ...
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